We offer condominiums, CSW, MC GeoPolis line of software products.
- GeoPolis.Kvartal
- GeoPolis.Karta
- GeoPolis.Remonty
- GeoPolis.Vyborki
These software products allow the HOA, CSW, MC always have on hand a reliable source of information about the objects of reference.
GeoPolis.Kvartal - The software package is designed for centralized storage and structuring of information about the elements of the address space, buildings and objects in them, arranged in a certain area. The system allows input, editing, searching, viewing, printing information about the following elements:
- address of the home;
- territorial binding address;
- occurrence of an object in the targeted programs;
- households Financial Plan;
- tenants;
- specifications of buildings;
- object structures and operators.
GeoPolis.Karta - Program intended for visualization of spatial data for a particular area and related semantic information, and to enter into a new system of graphic and semantic information.
GeoPolis.Remonty - The software package is designed to take into account:
- contracts for routine repairs;
- artists work;
- warranty terms and obligations.
GeoPolis.Vyborki - software package represents the uplink system to handle arbitrary data filtering rules when working with different amounts of information. This software is aimed to work with a variety of external data sources and allows you to create custom analytical queries. It has a convenient user interface and configure the prostate.
All software systems can be integrated into a single information system.